To the serpent he said bite me, poison away the death |
The boy awoke into his nightmare, surprised and lost
He bargained on being brave and stand his ground
His blood became curdled into a miserable frost
To the serpent he said bite me, poison away the death
Maybe the ground will give lightly to my false steps
I can sense the end as I sing from this depth
He began to do a wizardly dance, macabre and sincere
Tuned to the wind howling and a wolf cub's lament
Staring the end with open eyes and brows severe
"Can you not forgive me my sins oh woeful temptress?"
I have angels hidden within and a will to do good
It is a shallow notion the sense of justice in duress
His resolved weakened when he saw his reflection so true
Within the serpent's eyes his entirety laid bare
How awful those deeds that this dreamer could not argue
Whimpering and crying his cheeks show muddied purpose
Water is acid and rain with shards of pain he feels
Long gone now the serpent from this dark dusty circus
He is alone in space, with no stars or moons to forget the hell
This is no dream, nor nightmare, this is waking life of the damned
He misses the sense of touch and comfort he had in his shell
The boy has walked in the deep too long, looking not back
This is his penance for forgetting promises made to beauty
At the cathedral of heaven, no, hell, maidens now in black
Looking intently at this nothingness of man or now as beast
His doom is knowing that he is no more an object
Not of the Earth, not of the pit below lies his rest
This sobbing creature will now fester in between somewhere
Robbed of his sanity he will shrivel within his own recess
And whisper when he can, parched tongue, of his care
Nothing will listen, no echoes will be met in this distant prison
Where no windows exist to soothe the dying soul
Only memories to keep and screams in purgatory not forbidden
Dedicated to no one .. not tonight.