Sunday, September 16, 2012

Dreaming in the cloud - Part 4; Marking the digital territory

With the advent of office computing, the paradigm had shifted. Professionals needed to be connected. Cell phones came about. The Walkman became an accessory to the general technological revolution of the times: Computers became common place and corporate growth created yuppies (who needed music on the go, amongst other things). 

Building on the foundations of companies like IBM, Microsoft led the change; Sun, Cisco, Netscape, Napster, Yahoo and Semi-conductors followed.

The real paradigm change was conceptualized in the period starting from the late 70s up till the late 90s. This was the real golden age.

It redefined the parameters of advancement, and presented us with the next era: The masses had tele-connectivity and the social sphere was changed forever.

The social media revolution is a by-product of an established technological paradigm; it cannot be seen as a paradigm in itself.

The next tectonic shift is yet to come. People, who are conceptualizing, researching and perfecting it, are dreaming of what life will be like in the Cloud.

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