Wednesday, September 26, 2012

They love me, they love me not

This post is NOT about large furry animals

Futurists have a strange job. They are paid to accurately predict the future of technology. For them, the essence of life is in understanding how life’s little treasures will come in the future.

Young graduates lovingly enter paid employment with the hope that this will secure their future. They are futurists of a different kind. They will be pre-occupied with that which guarantees the little treasures for the present and the future. 

Whether you work for a large or small ‘technocracy’ (the Modern Corporation / company) you will often question the motives of your managers early on in your career.

Later, you will eventually realize the motivations are part personal, part tactical deployment for a larger organism. We tend to emulate this, sometimes down to perfection, in our professional lives.

Yet no matter how far we may have come, or how self-employed we may feel, the question looms over us; does the large organism we call the Company really have any care for the future? For futurists and young professionals, this is a vital query.

Do they love us and care about us or not? If they love us, than they should be investing in technology, which enables our futures more efficiently. I find the early questions have matured now.

We know the large, as the sum total of its parts, does not care about the small. Yet we also know the smaller parts do care about some of the other smaller parts. Not unlike a long-term intimate relationship.

The question is no more if they love you, ask if they are investing in future technology; this will secure your future. You will than know there is growth, long-term prospects.

Futurists and Graduates alike can than rest easy. 

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