Saturday, October 27, 2012

Dreaming in the Cloud Part 6 - Floating without weight

I thought maybe this picture might make this Cloud Computing series
more interesting!

Clouds represent the removal of devices from the picture. With its own protocols, certification and information management, Clouds will require considerable investment by business (and the public sector) into training. There will be a different approach to IT departments world-wide. Telecommunication back-bone operations will change in a more dramatic fashion than ever before.

So while on the one hand social media is changing social patterns (with regards technology), information technology itself is changing. Given these two forces there is now need for making the power to indulge in limitless computing. 

Or, in the very least, make it operate within few, if any, boundary conditions.

Both in terms of general economic life and society, we are now ready and willing to create a world with no limits on computation power. We have experienced the birth of a new golden age. It has not yet come to be. When it does, the past few decades will seem like mere footnotes to history. 

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