Monday, October 22, 2012

So what?

When you challenge someone, they give you an explanation based in history. 

They point to the dangers, past learning and losses that have occurred. They shirk novelty and innovation, be it within their process or within their product, because they have the unfortunate law of precedence to refer to.

You job is to keep asking ‘So what?’ until the answer is either:

  1.      It will make the Company go bankrupt
  2.      You will lose your job

No other answer should be accepted on face value. People find past habits and established experiences difficult to walk away from. 

You must probe, question and challenge until there is measurable and quantifiable evidence that your line of questioning will lead to disaster. Short of this, keep asking.

Lest this culture of fear and conformity is broken, your company probably will go bankrupt and you probably will lose your job. 

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