Monday, March 18, 2013

Why bother?

Why bother to cook at home, learn the intricacy of blends and aromas, when you can get cheaper substitutes outside.

Why bother moving on to newer systems, learning about new technology (that could make our world better) when we own ipads and the Blackberry just does (mostly) what we want it to do.

Why bother with modern trends in life-style, based around the information age, when we are blissfully protected by the geeks and the nerds we pay a premium for.

Why know more then we already do about stuff that does not seem to matter. Why bother understanding the meaning of the word ‘open source’ while Windows and OSX seem to be handling our demands just fine.

Why bother with instant back-ups and cloud storage when we are happy enough to trust our hard-drives to never crash, our houses to never get burgled, and our data to never get lost.

Why bother learning the tools that will be thrust upon us tomorrow, today.

Why bother? Because those of us who do are so far ahead of the rest that the rest need now either quit the race or catch up. Fast.

Shahbaz Ali-Khan
April 18, 2013  

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