Saturday, April 13, 2013

Can you hear it?

Doing nothing more than listening, to the sound of wind, trees and People, is listening to life and gifting yourself the feeling of freedom.

I believe that listening, letting people explain their lives before you judge them, is the art of success.

I would prefer to start by opening up that channel; I attempt to listen without prejudice. Appreciate the following key realities about humans, I have found, and one begins to appreciate the expression of compassion (or civility):

- People have lives you cannot see; do not forget that reality is dark until you shine a light on to it. What you see may seem familiar. 

- People have fears you cannot feel; No one is alone is their inherent mistrust of the environment. Each is looking to adapt. Join them. They are waiting for you. 

- People want to share their story with you; Only a fool forgets that we, all of us, want to share our lives with each other. We want to talk endlessly about how it is for us. We express it in different ways. 

I would even stop and listen to the trees if I could. I am sure they have interesting things to say. 

If you will not take my word for it, you need only look towards the science of social knowledge networks (or what they used to lovingly call social media).

Shahbaz Ali-Khan
April 13, 2013 

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