Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Great Crash

he knows what has hit him

The Great crash is coming. It may be tomorrow or it may come next year.

It may be the market that crashes, it may be your motivation or it may well be your entire nervous system.

Throughout history, the 'great crash' has come in many forms; the war on terror was our great morality crash,  2008 was a financial crash; 2013 may be your next great panic attack, and therefore your soul will crash. The trick (rest assured there is one) is to understand that the planet can take only so many crashes. You, as a person, can take only so much before you implode (or worse, explode). 

Only so much gambling (be it with your soul, your sense of self or with your money) can be sustained.

The question is how prepared are you for this time around? 

I make my bets, financial or otherwise, on the expectation that in the long-run we are all going to crash. We will crash our money, our cars, our relationships, our governments or our brains. 


- Buy Copper, hold it for long returns
- Buy Gold, and keep it
- Buy Drugs, but don't abuse them

Buy (invest) in nothing you do not need, and you may just make it to the other side. 

Shahbaz Ali-Khan
April 25, 2013

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