Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Echoes from the heavens .. to the Norse gods

"I dream of Valhalla, of flame arrows and a hammer deity"

Echoes from the heavens, a thunderous awakening
Risen from the silence of the cold, comes the storm almighty
A reminiscence of the Norse gods and myths
I dream of Valhalla, of flame arrows and a hammer deity

Visions of warriors with cold blooded honour
Shimmer down with the water so brutally descended
Cries in hellish words so ancestral and old
Come with each drop of rain in the land now repented

Once I was a viking, a man with purposeful death
Conquering new lands, by sea and by force of my will
A race stood tall and left its roots with ample trace
Of history mighty, forged with steel and cutting quill

Oh my wandering mind rests upon sons of Odin
All father, where have you left us, abandoned
To swelter and heat rising from the steaming concrete
Reckoning with simple tales of small villains we trampled

Stand, against wind bellowing a hollow word 
Eyes closed out to theater acted with false script
Chilling temper, a season spent waiting sunlight
Only today landscapes and hills fall into the crypt

Off to the blind man, two coins in hand and a prayer to Loki
You meddled thus creating worlds, acting a warning
Am I the Viking that once rose from the ice lands?
A giant who would depart the living, flesh burning

(dedicated to the Nordic) 

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