Saturday, May 10, 2014

The struggle for wage is an honest one

"Among these skyscrapers I will fight in the shade"
The struggle for a wage is an honest one
When the means to an end are mentally inviting
I have moved a lot, tried to settle often
The want for material goods is so enticing

Comfort and shelter is found in concrete
In the company of strangers and pieces of art
We often forget to seek these out
Hurried and hassled we forget where to start

A good beginning is a job worth doing
Somewhere of use for self and for others
A place to build or create something special
Be it a muffin or a new home for lost brothers

We all take comfort in what we gain
As we live and not as we learn to lose
Often it takes the whispers of sages 
To remember that love is still very close

I realized rather late that work was a pleasure
Always thought it a cumbersome chore
A burden left best to the lesser minds
Did not expect idleness would be such a bore

We need not wear ourselves to the bone
In search of a better, easier tomorrow
That wishful day almost never comes
The future will always be filled with some sorrow

As life gets on, our minds get dull
The pen becomes useless, the sword unwanted
Legs walk a little less each day
Adventures and travels become so daunted

It will be best to find a big city
The larger the crowd, the less I will fade
While I miss the comfort of a town well known
Among these skyscrapers I will fight in the shade

(dedicated to the Toronto Stock Exchange: TSX) 

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